Contact Us

Management Hours *

Subject to change

Monday 9am - 5pm

Tuesday 9am - 5pm

Wednesday 9am - 5pm

Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 10am - 6pm

Weekends and Holidays - office closed


May 17 - closed (at tournament)

May 20 - closed for holiday

June 21 - closed (at tournament)

June 24 - closed (at tournament)

June 28 - closed

July 1 - closed for holiday

July 24 - closed

Aug 5 - closed for holiday

Aug 6-9 : office hours 10-3 (manager is a performer and entertainment coordinator for a Folklorama pavilion)

*Be advised that the manager is not always in the office or available during business hours due to meetings and other tasks. You are invited to contact VGCC to schedule a visit to confirm the manager is available if you need to meet with us.


Main office:





218 Antrim Road

Winnipeg, MB  R2K 3L2

Social media

Instagram: @ValleyGardensCommunityClub

Facebook Group: /ValleyGardensCommunityClub